Wednesday 8 April 2015

Fitness Journey - Day 2

What an I call it...? Cramps day? Yup! That is what it was. When you hit the gym after 3 months and try to stretch those loose muscles you should expect the company of cramps the next day :-P So, today's challenge was to exercise with cramps and I was up with full energy to twist those crying muscles. Even one of the gym trainers came to me and said he was expecting me to stay back home and rest. I replied, "Never!" (with a big smile :-D )

One thing that I am expecting to be same throughout the course is the beginning of the workout which is climbing stairs. I have to climb, up and down, 20 stairs for 10 times, i.e. 10 times climb up and 10 times climb down. I never really thought of gravity until today, whenever I reached the 17th step it became tough to lift the feet to the next step. I felt gravity pulling my feet down just like you can feel the force of attraction between two magnets held in your hand. :-P My goal was to complete the 10 rounds and I did complete them diligently. No cheating. :-) Rest of the exercises went fine, the best one being sit ups on a downward inclined bench. I always wanted to do them. The worst was leg raises on an inclined bench. They squeeze every inch of your abs, and it takes a lot of strength to keep your legs straight. Unlike yesterday I did not experience any dizziness today and I managed to get through the routine just fine.

When I came home there was a delight of making another day fruitful.  I have even more sore muscles now and I go"ahh..." "eee..." every now and then due to the pain. I hope I can gather the strength to get to the gym tomorrow :-D

Fitness Quote: Fitness is not a destination, its a way of life.

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