Saturday, 23 March 2013

A to Z challenge

Finally, I have registered for the April's A to Z challenge. Last year I landed on their page all by chance while I was surfing for the sites for one of my college assignments. A friend of mine took part in it then and I was quite excited about the event to find so many people writing at the same time. Isn't it like bring the world together? United We Stand Bloggers :-) I am a part of that community too this year. Though I have my final exams in April but I am going to give it a shot and try to survive this challenge. 

Just participation is not what I am aiming at. Did I tell you I wish to write a book? Oh yeah! Nothing special in that? I know, but it is like I have some talent for writing (at least I think that) and I am sure it is for some purpose :-) So, to explore what I am suppose to do with this small gift of words I have to start somewhere, and what place can be better than A to Z Challenge? (ok! at least I can't think of any :-P ).

Now, what next? 
 A journey of thousand miles starts with a single step.
Not all have the same talent, 
But everybody gets an opportunity to develop it.
                                                         -    (unknown) 

This is one of the 'Thought of the day' that I spoke in the morning assembly, during school time, in ninth class. I loved the quote and recite it every time I have to start something new :-) The first step has been taken, the next thing is, I guess, is to persist with this desire to write. I am sure I am going to fall out of this run but I am ready to get up every time I will fall.

We all have something that we want to start, like to start learning how to sing, to dance, an instrument or anything like that. I have a long list which includes hitting the gym, starting my guitar classes again, to learn roller skating, to learn hip hop and break dance, to learn horse riding, to brush my writing skills, to name a few :-) Many of us fail to take the first step. It is same as the concept of 'friction'. When you need to get a stationary body in motion you face the maximum resistance and need to put great effort, but try pushing a moving object and all you might need would be a push with the little finger ;-) . So, if you wish get serious about a hobby then take the first step. Still not motivated enough? What can I say now! Just know this, there are millions of babies out there taking there first  step and trying to walk, while you are just sitting and thinking :) . I like a line in of those TV commercials:

"Thinking is such a waste of time" 

and this was what my English teacher used to say, actually he copied the NIKE's tag line,

 " JUST DO IT! ". 

:-D So, get started today buddy!

Back to me and the challenge. I have finally started working at one of my hobbies :-) Wish me luck for the challenge (and my exams too :-P), and Good Luck to the fellow A2Zeders. 

Thumbs Up guys! :-D


  1. hi, just dropping by to give you some encouragement for the challenge. i am so new at this and getting to know the people near my listing somehow shakes off the nerves! --- April (bobs wife)

  2. Hi! I'm stopping by from the A-Z. Good luck with the A-Z and your finals. I'll stop back by later :)
