Friday, 27 January 2012

No One Is Spared

Last week I was enjoying the bright sunshine, which is not less than a blessing in the winter season here in northern zone of India, in the college ground.I was looking down on the grass when this bird came hoping in front of me. Can you notice whats so special about the bird?

If you haven't figured out then let me help you,don't be so harsh on yourself  :-) The bird has only one leg.The one who sees the bird might have a feeling of pity for the creature but the little bird has nothing to do with it.It has learned to live even with a single leg, and above all, the absence one leg has not kept her from flying.She can still do what she is meant to do i.e. FLY.

In the same context,lets bring humans into the picture.What do you think is the greatest strength of our race, I mean the human race? I feel it is 'our ability to THINK' that makes us special, and this might be your answer too. No matter what you face in your life or how physically handicapped you may be, no one can ever take away your power of thinking, which is what humans are meant to do i.e to think.You can still change the world around you.A wonderful example of this is Stephan Hawking,who is severely disabled by a motor neuron disease known as Amotrophic Laterat Sclerosis (ALS).Hawking is completely paralyzed yet he has been making the most influential discoveries of our times in the field of theoretical physics.

To conclude, change the way you look at things and you can change your universe.Everyone has their share of troubles and hurdles.No one is spared. Don't be put down by obstacles on the way, rather take them as challenges.If you do so, you will set an example for others, just like the little bird in the above picture.

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