Thursday 10 May 2012

Sharing The Silence

Standing near the railing of the ship, she kept gazing into the vast expanse of the ocean. Observing the disturbances in the water, and feeling the zephyr. The source of divine light was slowly disappearing, as if the ocean was pulling it inside.

He saw her, and approached her. For a moment he looked at her but she was lost. He turned his face to the setting sun. They stood there silently...

He gently put his hand onto hers. She didn't move but felt that she had been taken. She was not alone anymore. He drew near and wrapped his arm from behind around her shoulder. Together they watched the waves and listened to the music of the water. No words were spoken, just the silence that existed. She leaned her head on his shoulder, and the two got lost in the ecstasy of the moment...

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. And I was busy sprinkling flowers over the two so that the magic moment seems more realistic and magical. :D Haha. Love this one.
