Wednesday, 26 June 2013

On Silence

Lying on the bed and turned to my left, I was staring at my brother on the opposite sofa busy with his tablet phone. He looked at me to show me something and I did not respond. Something inside kept me silent and I kept staring at him in his eyes... These are such moments when I am hit with profound wisdom. Not kidding! In silence I have come to discover some philosophies about which I had never read before. Earlier, on a couple of occasions when anything like this happened I shared it with one of my friends, who later sent me some quotes containing the lines similar to the thoughts I shared with her. I believe it to be wisdom because these realizations help me be a better person. Some I recorded, some I shared with friends and some I just lived. . . 

Eyes are windows to the soul, whoever said that said it right, and soul belongs to the universe, if you know what I mean? :-) The universe is almost silent. Silence is a characteristic of the magnificent universe, and I believe the soul is no different than the universe. The quality of being silent is essential to realize that you have a soul in you, and to realize that there is soul in the person next to you too. You are not just an earthly being, you are more than that, something as vast and as beautiful as the universe itself. We need silence to let every spirit exist peacefully. Silence is the language of the universe and it is also the language of your inner being. 

Now I am thinking that being still and quiet is something you are taught in meditation as well. I must admit I have my own free ways to do things, and I guess it was nothing but a strong moment of meditation for me that brought me to the significance of silence. I enjoy these a lot, and at times I think of it as revising (sudden realizations) the lessons that I learnt in my past lives. I have something more to write but will do that in next blog.